Czerny-Turner prototype spectrograph (UVEX)

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Christian Buil
Posts: 1431
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Czerny-Turner prototype spectrograph (UVEX)

Post by Christian Buil »

Here, a short presentation of a special achromatic spectrograph prototype optimized for UltraViolet (UV) spectral domain:


Download pdf:


Only evaluated on daylight for the moment, my situation can't permit tests on stellar targets...

Christian Buil
umberto sollecchia
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Re: Czerny-Turner prototype spectrograph (UVEX)

Post by umberto sollecchia »

Cristian, compliments pour ce nouveau prototype.
Je me sens un immense plaisir de vous voir de retour en forme.
Je vous souhaite beaucoup de bien.
Paolo Berardi
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Re: Czerny-Turner prototype spectrograph (UVEX)

Post by Paolo Berardi »

Christian, nice to hear from you!

Very interesting project, compact and chromatic aberration free. I thought that off-axis beam aberrations of that scheme producing not insignificant geometric distortions. If I understand correctly, for (faint) stars spectroscopy it is necessary to use the the cylinder optic to correct transverse astigmatism and gain SNR (I guess the 2d spectrum "thickness" is important).

Look forward developments!

See you soon,
Olivier GARDE
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Re: Czerny-Turner prototype spectrograph (UVEX)

Post by Olivier GARDE »

Super Christian pour ce spectro UV très compact.

Cela donne envie de le réaliser….

Juste 2 remarques :
- As tu une nomemclature des références à acheter ? Les 2 miroirs et le réseau (je suppose que l'on trouve cela dans le catalogue Edmund ?)
- Il faut rajouter un système d’autoguidage ?

Pour passer de l’UV à l’IR, il suffit je suppose de changer l’inclinaison du réseau ou y a t'il d'autres réglages ?
LHIRES III #5, LISA, e-Shel, C14, RC400 Astrosib, AP1600
Peter Somogyi
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Re: Czerny-Turner prototype spectrograph (UVEX)

Post by Peter Somogyi »

Great step to amateur UV world, Christian!

I've also experimented with different CCDs + LHires on VV Cep, found that taking out my Orion G3's BK7 lens brings some more sensitivity at 3600A.
Unfortunately, taking out the glass disables cooling - as soon as put on just -6C, the sensor immediately got wet...
I've found my 414 EXm having light scattering artifacts in UV, flat gets mostly useless (thick glass?).

I am wondering how much better Apogee's UV chips (like U47 UV, ...) performing better here, at least to know what room we had here for improvement.
Googling around, have seen papers of the BK7 glass used in most cheaper ccds can be a problem. But I'm not expert in optics.
Keep on development!

Joan Guarro Flo
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Re: Czerny-Turner prototype spectrograph (UVEX)

Post by Joan Guarro Flo »

Bonjour Christian !!

Le prototype spectrographe, est très intéressant. Comme toujours, tu montrant de nouveaux chemins.

Je suis très heureux de ton retour, bien amicalement, Joan.
James Foster
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Re: Czerny-Turner prototype spectrograph (UVEX)

Post by James Foster »

Looks like a great instrument to shoot HB and higher spectra! Now I have to decide whether to go for this or an Alpy600! I have the
JTW L-200 which is like a Lhires III, but I need something with more sensitivity to shoot CV stars as dim as 15th magnitude.
I can take advantage of this instrument from the 2500 meter altitude for UV!
James Foster
eShel2-Zwo ASI6200MM Pro
Lhires III (2400/1800/600 ln/mm Grat) Spectroscope
LISA IR/Visual Spectroscope (IR Configured)
Alpy 200/600 with Guide/Calibration modules and Photometric slit
Star Analyzer 200
Christian Buil
Posts: 1431
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Re: Czerny-Turner prototype spectrograph (UVEX)

Post by Christian Buil »

Olivier, les composants viennent du catalogue ThorLab (j'aurais l'occasion de donner plus de détails dans une publication).
Il est exact qu'il manque un système de guidage, du reste on voit qu'il s'agit d'un proto d'évaluation non finalisé. Cela demande de la réflexion car il manque de la place pour disposer un tel système. Mais rien n'est insoluble.
Le changement de longueur d'onde centrale n'est pas si simple. La longueur d'onde centrale dicte finement les angles hors axes et positionnement de ces miroirs (il existe des formules assez simples qui donnent la relation entre la longueur d'onde, la densité de gravure du réseau, les focales (là encore, ce sera écrit). Il faut plutôt spécialiser la fonction du spectrographe CZ, en fait. Un coup de Zemax (soft optique) achève en général l'optimisation.

Peter, access to extreme UV is not so simple effectively. Fused silica is necessary for windows and lens for exemple (if 310 nm is the target, i.e. BK7 absorption is severe below 330-350 nm). Adapted CCD is also mandatory. But, for medium UV (350 nm), Sony CCD seem a possible choice.

James, note UVEX is only a prototype for optical evaluation. It is not at the present time fully operational. For example, guiding system is absent (it is not my purpose, and compare with the excellent Alpy600 guiding module). In the actuel form, UVEX is a specialized system (here UV), compared to Alpy 600. Test to be continued...

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