252P LINEAR with Alpy 600 From Pic du Midi

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Jean-Paul Godard
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252P LINEAR with Alpy 600 From Pic du Midi

Post by Jean-Paul Godard »

En Mission avec Michel Verlinden au Pic du Midi avec l'AT60, nous avons eu une trés belle nuit le 06/04...
Nous l'avons consacrée à l'analyse spectrale de quelques éléments du bestiaire céleste des objets fixes ou mobiles....
Dans la série objets mobiles, nous avons suivi (manuellement) la comète 252P Linear (visible le matin),
et tenté son analyse spectrale..Avec un ALPY 600 et Prism V10 de Alcor Prism /

Les données sont en cours de dépouillement.. voici juste une vue du poste de pilotage avec l'image de la comète sur la fente du spectro
et l'image (faible) du spectre avec les raies de pollution lumineuse du fond de ciel.

et voici le spectre de la comète après dépouillement de nos données. On notera surtout la présence des raies cyanure ( CN: 3880) et C2 (C2: 5165).
Ceci nous confirme le caractère cométaire de l'objet et des gaz étudiés.

From Pic du Midi (France), the spectrum of 252P LINEAR with an Alpy 600
Jean-Paul Godard
Paolo Berardi
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Re: 252P LINEAR with Alpy 600 From Pic du Midi

Post by Paolo Berardi »

Hi Jean-Paul, very nice observation! Pic du Midi... wow! :shock:

Yes, many radical emission bands are evident in your profile, they give the green-blu coloration of coma in photos. The profile shows also the green (5577A) and red (6300/6363A doublet) auroral lines with strong intensity. They formed from neutral oxygen atoms. You can check if they belong to the comet or airglow (telluric origin) looking at 2d spectrum image (intensity of comet lines decreases away from the false nucleus). Frequently they are mixed, part cometary and part telluric. High resolution spectra may show both components due to comet radial velocity that shift the spectrum.

It was a surprise when, in early march, the comet 252P/LINEAR undergones an outburst. A big luck because the comet would have a fainter magnitude, maybe V around 13 instead of ~6, at date of your observation.

Generally speaking, comets require large apertures. I's a pity because they are fascinating objects and deserve systematic observations. Averagely they are very faint. Unfortunately, in the time of the great comets Hyakutake and Hale Bopp I didn't practice spectroscopy (and there were no powerful equipments as now)... :(

Erik Bryssinck
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Re: 252P LINEAR with Alpy 600 From Pic du Midi

Post by Erik Bryssinck »

Hi Jean-Paul,

Great reult of this comet-observation ! I tried this as well with a 0.4-m newton, but in very high lightpollution and don't have any good result, also after 6 images of 10 min exposure each;

great work !

kind regards
Erik Bryssinck
LHiResIII + C11 + Trius SX814
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