KIC 9832227: Red nova in 2022 ?

Information about outbursts of eruptive stars, Be activity, ...
Francois Teyssier
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KIC 9832227: Red nova in 2022 ?

Post by Francois Teyssier »

According to a recent publication, the contact binary KIC 9832227 could produce a red nova event around 2022

Many articles in popular science sites: ... 022-65881/ ... de-in-2022

Coordinates: 19 29 15.948 +46 37 19.89
V Mag = 12.4

A nice project for low res spectroscopy

Spectra are welcome for eruptive stars information letter

François Teyssier

Model of KIC 9832227 - Orbital period ~ 11 hours, declining
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Joan Guarro Flo
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Re: KIC 9832227: Red nova in 2022 ?

Post by Joan Guarro Flo »

To All,

Last night I observed the KIC 983227, which I saw in the images of the guide, through the ATIK 314L +, it seems that the star is kept close to 12.4 magnitude, as it has always done.

The 12.4 is very far from my instrumental, (you know that means more noise than a signal).

In graph 1, it shows what is "usable" of the 5 integrations of 2000 seconds.

In graph 2, we see the result of passing the option "Filter" to the ISIS. with a value of 15.5.

In graph 3, it is a comparison of the two graphs in the Ha region.

Regards, Joan.
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Francois Teyssier
Posts: 1521
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Re: KIC 9832227: Red nova in 2022 ?

Post by Francois Teyssier »

Belle tentative à cette résolution, Joan
Ce sera plus facile si l'événement nova prévu se produit.
David Boyd
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Re: KIC 9832227: Red nova in 2022 ?

Post by David Boyd »

I recorded photometry and a low resolution spectrum of this object on 18 April 2018. Magnitudes were B=13.17 and V=12.46. The spectrum is noisy but its general profile is in good agreement with spectral type G5V. VSX lists the spectral type as G5 and gives Frasca et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 594, A39 (2016) as source. The information is in the online version of their Table A.3.

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Joan Guarro Flo
Posts: 620
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Re: KIC 9832227: Red nova in 2022 ?

Post by Joan Guarro Flo »

Hello David,

Congrats for your spectrum, and many thanks for the specification of the spectral class to KIC 9832227, that I did not know.
I leave here again the graph 2, wihtout the instrumental response.

Regards, Joan.
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Forrest Sims
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Re: KIC 9832227: Red nova in 2022 ?

Post by Forrest Sims »

I was able to capture spectrum data last night on KIC9832227 using my Shelyak LISA. My spectrum appears to match David’s very nicely. I have attached an annotated profile using Tim Lesters PlotSpectra and also the same profile but using the Rspec reference library where I searched for the best spectral type match to KIC9832227. As David said G5V gives the best match. My data is displayed in Red and the reference profile for a G5V star displayed in Blue.

Also Daniel M. Van Noord, a listed author on the paper that François referenced at the top of this thread, presented an update on KIC9832227 last week at the Society for Astronomical Sciences Symposium in Ontario California. His update was too new to be included in the proceedings papers. I must see if I can find a paper associated with his talk to share.

KIC9832227 comparison to G5V star using Rspec.PNG
KIC9832227 comparison to G5V star using Rspec.PNG (44.1 KiB) Viewed 19988 times
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Vincent Bouttard

Re: KIC 9832227: Red nova in 2022 ?

Post by Vincent Bouttard »


A low resolution spectrum of KIC 9832227 taken at OHP workshop.
20 x 300s with Alpy600 spectrograph on 250 mm F/4 Newtonian telescope. Really faint target (mag. 12.4).
The choice of the reference star was hazardous : HD200120 (B1.5Vnne)... So, the continuum is uncertain.
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James Foster
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Re: KIC 9832227: Red nova in 2022 ?

Post by James Foster »

Looks like they'll be no red nova in the forseeable future......see: ... prediction

James Foster
eShel2-Zwo ASI6200MM Pro
Lhires III (2400/1800/600 ln/mm Grat) Spectroscope
LISA IR/Visual Spectroscope (IR Configured)
Alpy 200/600 with Guide/Calibration modules and Photometric slit
Star Analyzer 200
Joan Guarro Flo
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Re: KIC 9832227: Red nova in 2022 ?

Post by Joan Guarro Flo »


In this picture we're seeing one graphic of KIC8932227 to the last month and his comparison with another one to last year.

Due to low magnitude of this star, 12.3 v.m., this graphics are very squematic. I think David Boyd, Forrest Sims, Vicent Bouttard or someone, may try repeat by low resolution with more very well results.

The predictions wait a possible type nova explosion, in next 2022. One question, in this case can we will see some intense lighting variations or some pulsations mode before to definitive explosion?

Regars, Joan.
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Forrest Sims
Posts: 86
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Re: KIC 9832227: Red nova in 2022 ?

Post by Forrest Sims »

Hello Joan,

I accepted your challenge to take spectra of KIC9832227:) Here is a plot of my data from last night and also a plot comparison with data I acquired one year ago. I see a similar change as you have shown above. I used the Shelyak LISA, taking 9 600sec exposures, I used HD192640 as a reference star to correct for instrument and atmospheric response. ISIS reported a resolution of R=1046 for last nights data.


Woody Sims
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