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Re: Further outburst of the (DN) Dwarf Nova TCPJ21040470+463

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 4:08 pm
by Francois Teyssier
Hi Robin,

A ma connaissance, il n'y a pas de politique ARAS stricte en matière de confidentialité des résultats.
D'une façon générale, il y a consensus pour dire que les résultats sont publics. Par exemple, BESS est publique. C'est aussi mon point de vue.
D'autres programmes d'observations ont maintenu les résultats confidentiels, au moins pour un certain temps.

En ce qui concerne les étoiles éruptives, toutes les données sont publiques et stockées dans ARAS database.
Tous les spectres sont disponibles et accessibles à partir de ... taBase.htm, y compris TCPJ21040470+4631129 ... lanous.htm

To my knowledge, there is no ARAS policy regarding the confidentiality of results.
In general, there is consensus that the results are public. For example, BESS is public. It is also mon personnal point of view.
Other observation programs have kept the results confidential, at least for some time.
Regarding eruptive stars, including dwarf novae, all data is public and stored in ARAS database.
All spectra are available and accessible.


Re: Further outburst of the (DN) Dwarf Nova TCPJ21040470+463

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:10 pm
by Christophe Boussin
Hello all,

Here is my contribution to the monitoring of TCPJ21040470+4631129.
The spectrum below was obtained, on April 5 at 2 h 12 TU (Alpy 600, resolution 500, JJ = 2458944.5918, 12 exposures of 300 s) :
TCPJ21040470+4631129 on April 5th, 2020
TCPJ21040470+4631129 on April 5th, 2020
Take care of yourself and clear skies to all !

Christophe BOUSSIN

Re: Further outburst of the (DN) Dwarf Nova TCPJ21040470+463

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:02 pm
by Peter Somogyi

Catched a few days late after the outburst (~ 11.3 mag now), fresh result of this windy morning (12" Newton, ATIK 428Exm, LHires III + 600/mm grating + 35 micron slit):
TCP_J21040470_4631129.png (48.41 KiB) Viewed 8383 times
I belive H-alpha is changing in the meantime above noise.
By RV range, it looks similar to Paolo's excellent spectrum on 2019.12.11.
Sent result to ARAS DB.

Re: Further outburst of the (DN) Dwarf Nova TCPJ21040470+463

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:38 pm
by Forrest Sims
Very nice spectra Christophe and Peter!

Here is a plot of Halpha from the last 3 nights. These are flux calibrated spectra. The average V mag I measured in date order were:
11.432 error = 0.021
11.573 error = 0.029
11.595 error = 0.026

I can clearly see the dip in the center of the Halpha line but Peter's spectrum provides so much more detail! All spectra have been submitted to ARAS and uploaded to the BAA database.

Woody Sims