For sale MUSSOL and LINX echelles

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Joan Guarro Flo
Posts: 661
Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:50 pm

For sale MUSSOL and LINX echelles

Post by Joan Guarro Flo »


I would sell my two first echelles, the MUSSOL  and LINX, due that I'm going to use two new NOU_T in my telescopes in Piera and Santa Maria.

You might see their observed results in this Forum and a lot of them in the BeSS and ARAS spectral data base. Their price are :

MUSSOL + Box guide + 5m. optical fiber + fiber agitator = € 2500 + shipping.

LINX + Box guide + 5m. optical fiber + fiber agitator =  € 2500 + shipping.

If you are interested in it, please leave a private message in this Forum.

Regards, J. Guarro.
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